Should Fast Food be banned?

    We all know what fast food is. Burgers, French Fries, McDonalds', Burger King- all these are related to fast food. We also know that fast food is unhealthy. Medical studies have revealed that regular fast food consumption increases the incidence of obesity and insulin resistance, which in turns lead to higher risks such as Type 2 diabetes and stroke.

Fast foods contain trans fat which is a substance used in the making of fast foods as it enhances flavours, but it increases the risk of coronary heart disease. To reduce fast food consumption, governments world-wide have proposed to levying taxes on fast foods and other processed foods with high calorie levels. In fact, Malaysia has banned those advertisements broadcasting of "junk" foods, and New York has even banned the use of trans fat in cooking. I find that this ban will help those who have problems controlling the amount of fast food they eat. However, it would deprive those who hardly get to eat fast food, and look forward to a fast food meal when they do well.As for me, my parents will bring me to McDonalds' about once every fortnight. I look forward to those trips, and if Singapore too decides to ban the use of trans fat in cooking, then I will not be able to eat any more fast food meals.

According to the National Nutritional Survey of 2004, a typical person aged 18 to 69 in Singapore is 70 times more likely to eat at a hawker centre than at a fast food restaurant. This shows that Singaporeans are aware that fast food is unhealthy and are willing to do something to prevent them from contracting serious diseases.

I feel that there is no need for Singapore to ban trans fat. Alternatively, to reduce the number of obese citizens and the number of coronary heart disease patients, Singapore could do more to educate Singapore students on unhealthy foods and their effects. For example, more quizzes on unhealthy foods can be issued to students, and those who do well can receive a small reward. Also, efforts can be directed at promoting active and healthy lifestyles, good general dietary habits and the provision of nutritional information on healthy snacks like cereal or milk. This may even be more cost effective than regulating or taxing the consumption of fast food!

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Hi guys, I'm a student in Singapore, and this are some thoughts and essays I have written over the years.