The Second Egyptian Revolutions

Not once, but twice. The Egyptians have surprisingly, again, revolted against the Egyptian government. After being overseas recently, I had not caught up with the news. Thus, when I first heard about it, it seemed odd that the Egyptians, after getting what they have wanted, are now complaining. However, after reading the article, I realized the reason for it.

After dictator President Hosni Mubarak was shoved off stage, the military generals seized power over the people. The military then continued the autocratic regime, making past striking efforts and all casualties during the street protests seem worthless and unnecessary. My first reaction after reading this was that the Egyptians did not react in a way that would be best for them. Instead of asking for changes nicely and protesting non-violently, they were again going for the violent option. It even occurred to me that the Egyptians were starting to seem “addicted” to rebellion.

However, the article went on to say that although the numbers of protestors were large, they were nothing compared to those who massed against Hosni Mubarak earlier this year. This reminds me of the “Occupy Wall Street” peaceful protests. Although the people had the same end goals in mind, they no longer believed in the way in which it was done. Also, I realized that there was no other choice for the Egyptians. Unlike the United States, they lived under autocratic ruling and even protests which started out peaceful would turn bloody in no time.

Egyptians now live in a hard time – with no forms through which they can change things, even by a little, except through violence and the overthrowing of the state government. Egypt has had its first truly democratic elections on the 28th of November. Also, it has been pointed out that while some liberalists first supported military rule over democratically elected parties due to supposed Islamist influence, they now recognize democracy as the way to go. Hopefully, things can calm down soon and the violence will stop. Even if this did happen, however, the shift to democracy will be a painfully long process through which new policies have to be crafted out. It will be a hard time to come for them, indeed.

Comparatively, Singapore has a better government. Although it is true that there is no complete free speech, there are still means through which Singaporeans can voice out their opinions. They can have a meeting with their GRC’s MPs and still voice out suggestions. Moreover, I think that Singaporeans are still not very aware of the good plight they are in. Singapore already has a low unemployment rate of 1-2%, and compared to USA’s 9% and Spain’s 20%, it is a minute section of the population. Most Singaporeans are thrifty, and many own flats of their own. The government has clear plans for the future, and is not in any debt. On this note, the Occupy Raffles Place attempt was totally uncalled for and unnecessary.


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